Monday, March 12, 2007

National Incident Management System

NIMS Training

Training is one of the important NIMS Implementation activities that Federal, State, Territorial, Tribal, and Local entities must complete as they work towards becoming fully compliant with the NIMS. State, Territorial, Tribal, and Local jurisdictions will be required to meet the FY 2007 NIMS implementation requirements as a condition of receiving federal preparedness funding assistance in FY 2008.

It is important to recognize that NIMS implementation will not end in FY 2007. The NIMS is a dynamic system, and the doctrine as well as the implementation requirements will continue to evolve as our prevention, preparedness, response, and recovery capabilities improve and our homeland security landscape changes. It is critical NIMS baseline training becomes an integral part of the organization’s training program. Organizational changes as a result of new hires, promotions or mission changes amplify this training requirement. Additionally NIMS processes will still have to be exercised in future years.

The successful implementation of the NIMS depends on the participation and integration of all Federal, State, Territorial, Local, Tribal entities and community-based organizations, including public, non-governmental, and private organizations that have a role in preventing, preparing for, responding to, or recovering from an incident. States, Territories, Tribal entities and Local jurisdictions should therefore consider and include appropriate organizations in their NIMS implementation efforts, including private sector emergency medical and hospital providers, transportation systems, utilities, and special facilities such as industrial plants, nuclear power plants, factories, military facilities, stadiums and arenas.

The NIMS Integration Center (NIC) has developed guidance that outlines the content and objectives for acceptable NIMS training materials. This guidance is contained in the National Standard Curriculum Training Development Guidance document dated March, 2007. Any agency or organization sponsoring NIMS training is responsible for ensuring that the materials being taught adhere to the guidelines provided in the National Standard Curriculum Training Development Guidance. In addition, the sponsoring organization must also verify the qualifications of the instructors based on the guidance provided by the NIC. Certificates of course completion are also the responsibility of the sponsoring agency or organization.

NIMS Courses

Currently, there are six courses that are required in order for an individual or organization to be considered NIMS compliant through FY 2007. To determine what level of training an individual needs according to their level of responsibility during a multi-jurisdiction, multi-agency, multi-discipline incident, click here:

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